
Hier finden Sie die die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen unseres Lehrstuhls der letzten sieben Jahre. Andere Publikationen und ältere wissenschaftliche Artikel können Sie auf die Webseiten der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter*innen finden.


  • Stein, L., Michalke, A., Gaugler, T., & Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2024). Sustainability Science Communication: Case Study of a True Cost Campaign in Germany. Sustainability, 16(9), 3842.

  • Schulz, P., Nicolai, S., Tomczyk, S., Schmidt, S., Franikowski, P., & Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2024). Gender and Socioeconomic Influences on Ten Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions: A German Comparative Study. Sustainability, 16(7), 2816.

  • Oebel, B., Stein, L., Michalke, A., Stoll-Kleemann, S., & Gaugler, T. (2024). Towards true prices in food retailing: the value added tax as an instrument transforming agri-food systems. Sustainability Science, 1-18.

  • Rau, H., Nicolai, S., Franikowski, P. & Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2024). Distinguishing between Low- and High-Cost Pro-Environmental Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Two Complementary Studies. Sustainability, 16(5), 2206.

  • Schüssler, C., Nicolai, S., Stoll-Kleemann, S., & Bartkowski, B. (2024). Moral disengagement in the media discourses on meat and dairy production systems. Appetite. 107269.

  • Schwerdtner Máñez, K., Born, W., & Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2024). Turning the Tide: An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Biodiversity-Enhancing Measures on Agricultural Land at the German Baltic Coast. Sustainability, 16(1), 317.


  • Stoll-Kleemann, S., Darmstadt, C. N. (2023). Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Meeresnutzung. Tauchen als Mensch-Natur(raum) Interaktion. Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten, Issue 58. Link

  • Ansari, D., Schönenberg, R., Abud, M., Becerra, L., Brahim, W., Castiblanco, J., de la Vega-Leinert, A. C.,  ..., Stoll-Kleemann, S., ... & Wyborn, C. (2023). Communicating climate change and biodiversity loss with local populations: exploring communicative utopias in eight transdisciplinary case studies. UCL Open Environment, 5.

  • Partelow, S., Schlüter, A., Ban, N. C., Batterbury, S., Bavinck, M., Bennett, N. J., ..., Schwerdtner Manez, K. ... & Villasante, S. (2023). Five social science intervention areas for ocean sustainability initiatives. npj Ocean Sustainability, 2(1), 1-11.

  • Schwerdtner Manez, K., Stoll-Kleemann, S., Rozwadowski, H.M. (2023). Ocean literacies: the promise of regional approaches integrating ocean histories and psychologies. Frontiers in Marine Science.   

  • Hentschl M, Michalke A, Pieper M, Gaugler T, Stoll-Kleemann S (2023). Dietary change and land use change: assessing preventable climate and biodiversity damage due to meat consumption in Germany. Sustainability Science.
  • Stoll-Kleemann S, Franikowski P, Nicolai S (2023). Development and Validation of a Scale to Assess Moral Disengagement in High-Carbon Behavior. Sustainability, 15(3), 2054.


  • Stoll-Kleemann, S., Nicolai, S., Franikowski, P. (2022) Exploring the Moral Challenges of Confronting High-Carbon-Emitting Behavior: The Role of Emotions and Media Coverage. Sustainability, 14, 5742.
  • Michalke, A., Stein, L., Fichtner, R. Gaugler, T, Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2022) True cost accounting in agri-food networks: a German case study on informational campaigning and responsible implementation. Sustain Sci.
  • Ewert, S., Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2022) Biodiversity Conservation and the Role of Democracy. In: B. Bornemann, H. Knappe and P. Nanz (eds.). Routledge-Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability, 313 - 327.
  • Rau, H; Nicolai, S; Stoll-Kleemann, S (2022): Die Nachhaltigkeitschallenge – Ein flexibles Lehr-Tool der Nachhaltigkeitsbildung für Online-Lehre, Präsenzunterricht oder hybride Formen. In: Online-Magazin Ludwigsburger Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik, Ausgabe 22/2022. Link
  • Seubelt N, Michalke A, Gaugler T. (2022) Influencing Factors for Sustainable Dietary Transformation—A Case Study of German Food Consumption. Foods. 2022; 11(2):227.


  • Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2021) From Denial to Moral Disengagement: How integrating fundamental insights from psychology can help us better understand ongoing inaction in the light of an exacerbating climate crisis. In: Grušovnik; T., Lykke Syse, K., Spannring, R. (eds.). Denialism in Environmental and Animal Abuse: Averting Our Gaze; Lexington Books series: Environment and Society (series ed. Douglas Vakoch), 17-34.


  • de la Vega-Leinert, A. C., Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2020) Ausgleich für den Küstenschutz. Meer und Küste 8, 16-17.
  • Mayer, M., Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2020) Tourismus und Regionalentwicklung innerhalb und außerhalb ostdeutscher Großschutzgebiete. In: Naumann, M., Becker, S. (Hrsg.): Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Dynamiken, Perspektiven und der Beitrag der Humangeographie. Berlin: Springer, 481-296.
  • Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2020) Feasible Options for Behavior Change towards more effective Ocean Literacy. In: Angel Borja, Francesca Santoro, Gail Scowcroft, Stephen Fletcher and Pierre Strosser (eds.)(2020). Connecting People to their Oceans: Issues and Options for Effective Ocean Literacy. Frontiers in Marine Science - eBook, p.22-35; DOI 10.3389/978-2-88963-509-2
  • Stoll-Kleemann, S. & O'Riordan, T. (2020) Revisiting the Psychology of Denial Concerning Low-Carbon Behaviors: From Moral Disengagement to Generating Social Change. Sustainability 12(3), 935. doi: 10.3390/su12030935
  • Pieper M, Michalke A, Gaugler T (2020) Calculation of external climate costs for food highlights inadequate pricing of animal products. In: Nature Communications, 11, 6117 (2020)


  • Runst, U.J. & Stoll-Kleemann, S. (2019) Akzeptanzfördernde Faktoren im Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb – Ein Fallbeispiel für eine gelingende Integration von Mensch und Biosphäre.
    In: Borsdorf, A. & Jungmeier, M. (Hg.) Biosphere 4.0. - UNESCO-Biosphärenparks als Modellregionen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung: Prinzipien, Grundlagen und Fallstudien. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, S. 171-183
  • Stoll-Kleemann S (2019) Feasible Options for Behavior Change towards More Effective Ocean Literacy: A systematic review. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 273. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00273
  • Settele J, Spangenberg J H, Heong K L, Kühn I, Klotz S, Arida G, ... , Stoll-Kleemann S, ... , & Van Chien H (2019) Rice Ecosystem Services in South-East Asia: The LEGATO Project, Its Approaches and Main Results with a Focus on Biocontrol Services. In Atlas of Ecisystem Services (pp. 373-382). Springer, Cham.


  • Stoll-Kleemann S (2018) Ökologische und soziale Probleme des überhöhten Fleischkonsums: Überblick und Ansätze für Wege aus der Krise. TIERethik 16(1). 27-49.
  • de la Vega-Leinert AC, Stoll-Kleemann S, Wegener E (2018) Managed Realignment (MR) along the Eastern German Baltic Sea: A catalyst for conflict or for a coastal zone management consensus. Journal of Coastal Research 34(3): 586-601. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00217.1
  • Wesselow M, Stoll-Kleemann S (2018) Role-playing games in natural resource management and research: Lessons learned from theory and practice. The Geographical Journal: 1-12. doi: 10.1111/geoj.12248
  • Pool-Stanvliet R, Stoll-Kleemann S, Giliomee JH (2018) Criteria for selection and evaluation of biosphere reserves in support of the UNESCO MAB programme in South Africa. Land Use Policy 76. 654-663. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.02.047
  • Stoll-Kleemann S, O’Riordan T (2018) Biosphere Reserves in the Anthropocene. In: Dominick A. DellaSala, Michael I. Goldstein (eds.) The Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene 3: 347-353. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Pool-Stanvliet R, Giliomee JH, Stoll-Kleemann S, Pienaar R (2018) The Unesco MAB Programme in South Africa: linking natural and cultural capital towards sustainable landscape management. In: Paracchini ML, Zingari PC, Blasi C (Hg.) Reconnecting natural and cultural capital. Contributions from science and policy, S. 205-213.


  • Stoll-Kleemann S, Schmidt UJ (2017) Reduzierter Fleischkonsum als Vehikel für die große Transformation - Voraussetzungen und Realisierungschancen. GAIA 2017/04: 364-365. doi: 10.14512/gaia.26.4.18
  • Stoll-Kleemann S, O'Riordan T (2017) The challenges of the anthropocene for biosphere reserves. Parks 23.1: 89-100. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2017.PARKS-23-1SS-K.en .
  • Stoll-Kleemann S, Schmidt UJ (2017) Reducing meat consumption in developed and transition countries to counter climate change and biodiversity loss: a review of influence factors. Regional Environmental Change 17: 1261-1277. doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1057-5
  • Fritz-Vietta NVM, Tahirindraza HS, Stoll-Kleemann S (2017) Local people's knowledge with regard to land use activities in southwest Madagascar - Conceptual insights for sustainable land management. Journal of Environmental Management 199: 126-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.05.034 .
  • Tekken V, Spangenberg JH, Burkhard B, Escalada M, Stoll-Kleemann S, Truong DT, Settele J (2017) "Things are different now": Farmer perceptions of cultural ecosystem services of traditional rice landscapes in Vietnam and the Philippines. Ecosystem Services 25: 153-166. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.04.010 .
  • Solbrig F, Buer C, Stoll-Kleemann S (2017) Wahrnehmung und Wertschätzung von Natur und Naturschutz -  Beispiele aus deutschen Großschutzgebieten im Vergleich mit der Studie "Naturbewusstsein in Deutschland". In: Rückert-John J (Hg.) Gesellschaftliche Naturkonzeptionen. Ansätze verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, S. 239-266.