Publikationen | Prof. Dr. Heiko Hüneke

Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
Gibb, M.A., Hüneke, H., Jadhav, J, Gibb, L.M., Mehlhorn, P., Mayer, O., Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T., El Hassani, A., Baidder, L. (2024): Contourite-drift archive links Late Devonian bioevents with periodic anoxic shelf water cascading.– Geology. – [accepted]
Gibb, M.A., Hüneke, H., Pingel, N., Gibb, L.M., Richter, C., Mayer, O., Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T., El Hassani, A., Baidder, L. (2024): Early Devonian bioclastic contourites in the High Atlas: A plastered drift recording the convergence between Gondwana and Laurussia (Sub-Meseta Zone, Morocco). – In: Hernández-Molina, F.J. et al. [Eds.] Oceanic Gateways: Modern and Ancient Analogues and their Conceptual and Economic Implications. – Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ., London. – [accepted]
- Hüneke, H., Gibb, M.A., Mayer, O., Kniest, J.F., Mehlhorn, P., Gibb, L.M., Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T., El Hassani, A., Baidder, L. (2023): Bioclastic bottom-current deposits of a Devonian contourite terrace: Facies variability and depositional architecture (Tafilalt Platform, Morocco). – Sedimentology, 70, 1413-1471.
- Krauß, N., Kenzler, M., Hüneke, H. (2023): Age assessment of the Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex (SW Baltic Sea) by quartz luminescence dating of syn-kinematic deposits. – Baltica, 36, 100–114.
- Kenzler, M., Gibb, A., Gehrmann, A., Deutschmann, A., Rother, H., Obst, K., Hüneke, H. (2023): Identification of Quaternary alluvial-fan deposits (Rügen, SW Baltic Sea): Significance for recognition of syn-kinematic sedimentation in glacitectonic complexes. – Geomorphology, 424: 108558.
- Hernández-Molina, F.J., Hüneke, H., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Ng, Z.L., Llave, E., Mena, A., Gibb, A., Chiarella, D., Sammartino, S., de la Vara, A. (2022): Eocene to middle Miocene contourite deposits in Cyprus: A record of Indian Gateway evolution. – Global and Planetary Change, 219: 103983.
- Kenzler, M., Krauß, N., Hüneke, H. (2022): Testing a proposed new chronology for the Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex (SW Baltic Sea): No indication of incipient deformation during MIS 3. – Quaternary Geochronology, 70: 101299.
- Plonka, N., Kenzler, M., Hüneke, H. (2022): Syn-kinematic sedimentation between ice margin-parallel thrust-bounded ridges of the Glacitectonic Complex of Jasmund (Rügen Island, SW Baltic Sea, Weichselian). – Quaternary International, 630: 48-64,
- Becker, R.T., Aboussalam, Z.S., El Hassani, A., Baidder, L., Hüneke, H., Mayer, O., Cozar, P., Helling, S., Seyffert, K., May, A. (2021): Devonian and the Carboniferous transgression in the Skoura region, Sub-Meseta Zone, Morocco. – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, 10, 229-311.
- Köhler, M., Shulmeister, J., Patton, N.R., Rittenour, T.M., McSweeney, S., Ellerton, D.T., Stout, J.C., Hüneke, H. (2021): Holocene evolution of a barrier-spit complex and the interaction of tidal and wave processes, Inskip Peninsula, SE Queensland, Australia. – The Holocene, 31: 1476–1488.
- Hüneke, H., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Llave, E., Chiarella, D., Mena, A., and Stow, D.A.V. (2021): Diagnostic criteria using microfacies for calcareous contourites, turbidites and pelagites in the Eocene–Miocene slope succession, southern Cyprus. – Sedimentology, 68, 557–592.
- Becker, R.T., Aboussalam, Z.S., Hartenfels, S., El Hassani, A., Hüneke, H. (2020): Devonian and basal Carboniferous of the allochthonous nappes at Mrirt (eastern part of Western Meseta) - review and new data (part 1: Anajdam). – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, 10, 87-109.
- Becker, R.T., Aboussalam, Z.S., Hartenfels, S., El Hassani, A., Hüneke, H. (2020): Devonian and basal Carboniferous of the allochthonous nappes at Mrirt (eastern part of Western Meseta) - review and new data (part 2: Bou Ounebdou). – Frontiers in Science and Engineering, 10, 110-126.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M. G., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., Steffen, H., Steffen, R., and van Loon, T. (2019): The sea cliff at Dwasieden: soft-sediment deformation structures triggered by glacial isostatic adjustment in front of the advancing Scandinavian Ice Sheet. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 61–67,
- Brumme, J., Hüneke, H., and Phillips, E. (2019): Micromorphology and clast microfabrics of subglacial traction tills at the sea cliff Dwasieden: evidence of polyphase syn- and post-depositional deformation. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 51–60,
- Kenzler, M. and Hüneke, H. (2019): Sea cliff at Glowe: stratigraphy and absolute age chronology of the Jasmund Pleistocene sedimentary record. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 43–50,
- Mehlhorn, P., Winkler, L., Grabbe, F.-C., Kenzler, M., Gehrmann, A., Hüneke, H., and Rother, H. (2019): Coastal cliff at Lenzer Bach on Jasmund Peninsula, Rügen Island (Pleistocene Stripe 4): reconstructed history of glacitectonic deformation based on fold geometry and microstructural mapping. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 35–41,
- Gehrmann, A., Hüneke, H., Meschede, M., and Phillips, E. (2019): Sea cliff at Wissower Bach (Pleistocene stripe 5) - microstructural evidence of large-scale glacitectonism and glacier kinematics. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 29–33,
- Gehrmann, A., Meschede, M., Hüneke, H., and Pedersen, S.A.S. (2019): Sea cliff at Kieler Ufer (Pleistocene stripes 11–16) – large-scale architecture and kinematics of the Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 19–27,
- Börner, A., Gehrmann, A., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., and Lorenz, S. (2019): The Quaternary sequence of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: areas of specific interest and ongoing investigations. – DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 1–10,
- Hofmann, R., Gutwasser, B., Hüneke, H. and Korn, D. (2019): Firm evidence for a post‐extinction ichnofauna: earliest Carboniferous Cruziana reticulata assemblage from the Anti‐Atlas of Morocco. – Lethaia, 52: 118-128.
- van Loon, A.J., Hüneke, H., Mulder, T. (2019): The hyperpycnite problem: comment. – Journal of Palaeogeography, (2019)8:24,
- Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Hernandez-Molina, F.J., Hüneke, H., Chiarella, D., Llave, E., Mena, A., Miguez-Salas, O., Dorador, J., de Castro, S., and Stow, D.A.V. (2019): Key evidence for distal turbiditic- and bottom-current interactions from tubular turbidite infills. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 533,
- Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Hüneke, H., Llave, E., Stow, D. (2019): Contourite facies model: Improving contourite characterization based on the ichnological analysis. – Sedimentary Geology 384: 60-69.
- Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Miguez-Salas, O., Hernandez-Molina, F.J., Hüneke, H. (2019): First record of graphoglyptids in Cyprus: indicative presence of turbidite deposits at the Pakhna Formation. – Ichnos 27: 237-243.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., van Loon, A.J. (2018): Evidence from seismites for glacio-isostatically induced crustal faulting in front of an advancing land-ice mass (Rügen Island, SW Baltic Sea). – Tectonophysics 745: 338-348.
- Becker, R.T., Aboussalam, Z.S., Hartenfels, S., Gibb, A., Mayer, O., Hüneke, H. (2018): Emsian events, Frasnian-Famennian boundary, and Gonioclymenia Limestone at Jebel Ihrs (western Tafilalt Platform). – Münster. Forsch. Geol. Paläont. 110: 229-243.
- Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T., Mayer, O., Gibb, A., Hüneke, H., (2018): Emsian to middle Famennian bioevents and cephalopod faunas at Mdoura (western Tafilalt Platform). – Münster. Forsch. Geol. Paläont. 110: 312-326.
- Kenzler, M., Rother, H., Hüneke, H., Frenzel, P., Strahl, J., Tsukamoto, S., Li, Y., Meng, S., Gallas, J., Frechen, M. (2017): A multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental and geochronological reconstruction of the Saalian-Eemian-Weichselian succession at Klein Klütz Höved, NE Germany. – Boreas: DOI: 10.1111/bor.12255.
- Kenzler, M., Tsukamoto, S., Meng, S., Frechen, M. & Hüneke, H. (2017): New age constraints from the SW Baltic Sea area - implications for Scandinavian Ice Sheet dynamics and palaeo-environmental conditions during MIS 3 and early MIS 2. – Boreas 46: 34-52.
- Hüneke, H. (2016): Contourites. – In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J. [eds.]: Encyclopaedia of Marine Geosciences. - pp. 127-132, Springer (Dordrecht).
- Mulder, T. & Hüneke, H. (2016): Bouma sequence. – In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J. [eds.]: Encyclopaedia of Marine Geosciences. - pp. 68-69, Springer (Dordrecht).
- Mulder, T. & Hüneke, H. (2016): Turbidite. – In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J. [eds.]: Encyclopaedia of Marine Geosciences. - pp. 888-892, Springer (Dordrecht).
- Mulder, T. & Hüneke, H. (2016): Deep-sea fans. – In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S., Thiede, J. [eds.]: Encyclopaedia of Marine Geosciences. - pp. 156-157, Springer (Dordrecht).
- Gehrmann, A., Hüneke, H., Meschede, M., Phillips, E. (2016): 3D microstructural architecture of deformed glacigenic sediments associated with large-scale glacitectonism, Jasmund Peninsula (NE Rügen), Germany. – Journal of Quaternary Science 32: 213-230.
- Pondrelli, M., Schönlaub, H.P., Corradini, C., Spalletta, C., Suttner, T.J., Kido, E.K., Perri, M.C., Simonetto, L., Corriga, M.G., Mossoni, A., Pohler, S.M.L., Hüneke, H. (2015): Hoher Trieb Formation. – In: Corradini, C., Suttner, T.J. [eds.]: The Pre-Variscan Sequence of the Carnic Alps. – Abhandlungen Geol. Bundesanst. 69: 125-128; Wien.
- Pondrelli, M., Pas, D., Spalletta, C., Schönlaub, H.P., Farabegoli, E., Corradini, C., Suttner, T.J., Corriga, M.G., Perri, M.C., Da Silva, A.C., Pohler, S.M.L., Simonetto, L., Dojen, C., Mossoni, A., Kido, E.K., Hüneke, H. (2015): Freikofel Formation. – In: Corradini, C., Suttner, T.J. [eds.]: The Pre-Variscan Sequence of the Carnic Alps. - Abhandlungen Geol. Bundesanst. 69: 121-124; Wien.
- Obst, K., Ansorge, J., Matting, S., & Hüneke, H. (2015): Early Eocene volcanic ashes on Greifswalder Oie and their depositional environment, with an overview of coeval ash-bearing deposits in northern Germany and Denmark. – Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch), 104: 2179-2212; DOI 10.1007/s00531-015-1203-1.
- Kenzler, M., Tsukamoto, S., Meng, S., Thiel, C., Frechen, M. & Hüneke, H. (2015): Luminescence dating of Weichselian interstadial sediments from the German Baltic Sea coast. – Quaternary Geochronology 30: 251-256.
- Hüneke, H. (2013): Bioclastic contourites: depositional model for bottom-current redeposited pelagic carbonate ooze (Devonian, Moroccan Central Massif). – Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. (German J. Geosci.), 164: 253-277; Stuttgart.
- Hüneke, H. & Henrich, R. (2011): Pelagic sedimentation in modern and ancient oceans. – In: Hüneke, H., Mulder, T. (Eds.), Deep-Sea Sediments. - Developments in Sedimentology, 63: 216-295; Amsterdam, (Elsevier).
- Henrich, R. & Hüneke, H. (2011): Hemipelagic advection and periplatform sedimentation. – In: Hüneke, H., Mulder, T. (Eds.), Deep-Sea Sediments. - Developments in Sedimentology, 63: 353-396; Amsterdam, (Elsevier).
- Mulder, T., Hüneke, H. & Van Loon, A.J. (2011): Progress in deep-sea sedimentology. – In: Hüneke, H., Mulder, T. (Eds.), Deep-Sea Sediments. - Developments in Sedimentology, 63: 1-24; Amsterdam, (Elsevier).
- Brust, J., Hüneke, H., Meschede, M. & Sommer, M. (2011): Facies and provenance of basin-margin deposits in the Los Palacios Basin (Capdevila Formation, Cuba). – Facies, 57: 73-92; Berlin.
- Sommer, M., Hüneke, H., Meschede, M. & Cobiella-Reguera, J. (2011): Geodynamic model of the northwestern Caribbean: scaled reconstruction of Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene plate boundary relocation in Cuba. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 259: 299-312; Stuttgart.
- Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Hüneke, H. & Schütze, K. (2010): Glazitektonische Deformation der kretazischen und pleistozänen Sedimente an der Steilküste von Jasmund nördlich des Königsstuhls (Rügen). – Brandenburg. geowiss. Beitr. 17: 107-122; Cottbus.
- Hüneke, H. & Stow, D. (2008): Identification of ancient contourites: problems and palaeoceanographic significance. - In: Rebesco, M. & Camerlenghi, A. (Eds.): Contourites. - Developments in Sedimentology 60: 323-344; Amsterdam (Elsevier).
- Hüneke, H. (2008): Herzynkalke der östlichen Harzgeroder und Blankenburger Zone. – In: Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (Eds.): Stratigraphie von Deutschland VIII. Devon. - Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 52: 518-524; Hannover.
- Schwab, M. & Hüneke, H. (2008): Devon. – In: Bachmann, G.H., Ehling, B.-C., Eichner, R., Schwab, M. (Eds.): Geologie von Sachsen-Anhalt. - pp. 87-109, Stuttgart (Schweizerbart).
- Hüneke, H. (2007): Pelagic carbonate ooze reworked by bottom currents during Devonian approach of the continents Gondwana and Laurussia. – In: Viana, A.R., Rebesco, M., (Eds.), Economic and Palaeoceanographic Significance of Contourite Deposits. – Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 276: 299-328; London.
- Hüneke, H. (2006): Erosion and deposition from bottom currents during the Givetian and Frasnian: response to intensified oceanic circulation between Gondwana and Laurussia. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234: 146-167; Amsterdam.
- Hüneke, H. (2005): Palaeogeography and tectonic structure of allochthonous units in the German part of the Rhenohercynian Belt: Revision and comment. – Int. Jour. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundsch.), 95: 168-172; Heidelberg.
- Schönlaub, H.-P., Joachimski, M.M. & Hüneke, H. (2004): Stop 7 - Wolayer Glacier section. – In: Schönlaub, H.-P. (Ed.): Field trip Carnic Alps 2004. - Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien, 59-68.; Wien.
- Hüneke, H. & Krienke, K. (2004): Toe-of-slope deposits of a Givetian reef-rimmed platform: provenance of calcareous density-flow deposits (Rabat-Tiflet-Zone, Morocco). – Facies, 50: 327 - 346; Heidelberg.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Blankenburger Zone (Harz), Unterdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 221, Spalte R079di03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Harzgeröder Zone (Harz), Unterdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 221, Spalte R080di03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Wernigeröder Einheit (Harz), Unterdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 222, Spalte R083di03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Blankenburger Zone (Harz), Mitteldevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 227, Spalte R079dm03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Harzgeröder Zone (Harz), Mitteldevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 227, Spalte R080dm03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Ostharz-Decke: Südharz-Einheit / Selke-Einheit, Mitteldevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 228, Spalte R082dm03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Wernigeröder Einheit (Harz), Mitteldevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 228, Spalte R083dm03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Blankenburger Zone (Harz), Oberdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 233, Spalte R079ds03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Harzgeröder Zone (Harz), Oberdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 233, Spalte R080ds03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Ostharz-Decke: Südharz-Einheit / Selke-Einheit, Oberdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 234, Spalte R082ds03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. & Weller, H. (2003): Wernigeröder Einheit (Harz), Oberdevon. – In: Weddige, K. (Eds.): Devonian Correlation Table. Supplements 2003. - Senckenbergiana lethaea, 83: 234, Spalte R083ds03; Frankfurt/Main.
- Buggisch, W., Joachimski, M., Lützner, H., Thiedig, F. & Hüneke, H. (2001): Conodont stratigraphy of the Carboniferous and Permian strata from Bröggerhalvöya and Billefjorden Trough (Svalbard). – In: Tessensohn, F. (Ed.): Intra-Continental Fold Belts CASE 1, West Spitsbergen. - Geol. Jb., B91: 637-689; Hannover.
- Hüneke, H., Joachimski, M., Buggisch, W. & Lützner, H. (2001): Marine carbonate facies in response to climate and nutrient level: The Upper Carboniferous and Permian of central Spitsbergen (Svalbard). – Facies, 45: 93-136; Erlangen.
- Hüneke, H. & Reich, M. (2000): Muellerisphaerida (incertae sedis) from condensed carbonates (Givetian/ Frasnian) of the Harz Mountains. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 218: 201-241; Stuttgart.
- Hüneke, H. (1998): Die Herzynkalk-Entwicklung im Randgebiet der Selke-Einheit (Harz) - Abbild der Subsidenz im östlichen Rhenischen Trog während des Devons. – Z. dt. Geol. Ges., 149 (3): 381-430; Stuttgart.
- Hüneke, H. (1997): Die Herzynkalke im Randgebiet der Selke-Einheit (Harz) - schrittweiser Übergang von neritischer Akkumulation zu pelagischer Kondensation während des Devons. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 205 (1): 1-56; Stuttgart.
- Hüneke, H. & Ruchholz, K. (1996): Conodonts and facies of Emsian Hercynian Limestones, Klausberg Section, Harz Mountains. – Annales Soc. geol. Belgium, 117: 107-121; Liège.
- Hüneke, H. (1995): Early Devonian (Emsian) to Late Devonian (Famennian) Stratigraphy and Conodonts of the Antoinettenweg Section in the Lower Harz Mountains (Germany). – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 188: 99-131; Frankfurt/Main.
- Hüneke, H. (1992): The Hercynian Limestones. – In: Weller, H. & Hüneke, H.: Reef limestones of the Elbingerode Complex and Hercynian Limestones of the Variscan Harz Mountains, Germany. – International Association of Sedimentologists, 13th Regional Meeting of Sedimentology, Excursion Guide-Book, 160-170; Jena.
- Hüneke, H. (1991): Litho- und Biofazies (Conodonten) unter-/mitteldevonischer Herzynkalke der Harzgeröder Schuppenzone (Steinbruch am unteren Scheerenstieg, Harz). – Wiss. Beiträge Univ. Greifswald, Fortschritte der Geologie, 1991: 43-51; Greifswald.
- Hüneke, H. (1991): Lithologie der Herzynkalke der Ems-Stufe im mittleren Selketal (Harz). – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1990 (11): 1521-1532; Stuttgart.
Editierte Monographien
Hüneke, H., Börner, A. and Lorenz, S. [Eds.] (2019): From Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics to Holocene landscape changes in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg – field trips on geology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology. -– DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 1–93,
Hüneke, H. & Mulder, T. [Eds.] (2011), Deep-Sea Sediments. – Developments in Sedimentology, 63: 1-849; Amsterdam, (Elsevier).
Mrazek, J. & Hüneke, H. [Eds.] (2005): Tiefseeforschung in Greifswald - Geomarines Themenheft mit ausgewählten Beiträgen aus dem Nord-Atlantik, dem Südwest-Pazifik und dem Ost-Pazifik vor Mittelamerika. – Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, 13: 1-175; Greifswald.
Miller, H., Hüneke, H. & Obst, K. [Eds.] (2000): Sedimentation, Magmatism and Orogeny in Central and Northern Europe. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 218: 1-320; Stuttgart.
- Katzung, G., Hüneke, H. & Obst, K. [Eds.] (1995): Geologie des südlichen Ostseeraumes - Umwelt und Untergrund. – Terra Nostra, 6: 1-226; Exkursionsführer zur 147. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft vom 4.-6. Oktober 1995 in Greifswald; Bonn.
- Niedermeyer, R.-O., Hüneke, H. & Scholle, T. [Eds.] (1994): Kurzfassungen zur Sediment 94. – Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, A2: 1-243; Kurzfassungen zum 9. Sedimentologen-Treffen vom 25. bis 27. Mai 1994 in Greifswald; Greifswald.
- Niedermeyer, R.-O. & Hüneke, H. [Eds.] (1994): Exkursionsführer zur Sediment 94. – Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, A1: 1-69; Exkursionsführer zum 9. Sedimentologen-Treffen vom 25. bis 27. Mai 1994 in Greifswald; Greifswald.
Unveröffentlichte Arbeiten
- Hüneke, H. (2001): Gravitative und strömungsinduzierte Resedimente devonischer Karbonatabfolgen im marokkanischen Zentralmassiv (Rabat-Tiflet-Zone, Decke von Ziar-Mrirt). – Habilitationsschr., Univ. Greifswald, Inst. Geol. Wiss.: 1-227, 76 Abb., 10 Tab.; Greifswald. - [unveröff.]
- Hüneke, H. (1994): Stratigraphie (Conodonten), Fazies und Diagenese der devonischen Herzynkalke des Unterharzes im Randgebiet der Selkemulde. – Promotionsschr. Univ. Greifswald, FR Geowiss.: 1 200, 44 Abb., 16 Tab., 29 Taf.; Greifswald. - [unveröff.].
[ H. Hüneke, 20. Mai 2023 ]