Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group 2019
In 2019, the annual field symposium of INQUA Peribaltic Working Group (PWG) will be held in northeast Germany. It is organized by the University of Greifswald, the Geological Survey of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam (GFZ) and the GREBAL-project team of the University of Poznan (AMU). The PWG is an informal regional group of researchers active in different fields of Quaternary science. It comprises geologists, geographers, botanists, ecologists and other natural scientists interested in Quaternary geology, palaeoecology and climatology.
The approved date for the PWG field symposium is from 07th to 13th September 2019.
Critical dates:
8 January 2019 – Preliminary registration opens
20 March 2019 – Preliminary registration closes
20 March 2019 – Financial-support scheme application closes
7 April 2019 – Formal notifications to authors on their preliminary registration
7 April 2019 – Successful financial-support applicants to be notified
7 April 2019 – Third Circular released – information on abstract submission and fee payment
7 April 2019 – Abstract submission opens
15 May 2019 – Abstract submission closes
15 May 2019 – Deadline for final registration and fee payment
15 June 2019 – Fourth Circular released – detailed programme of the field symposium
The meeting will start in Greifswald with one day for oral and poster presentations. We plan a four-day field trip to Jasmund on Rügen Island and to the Mecklenburg lake district. The participation list is limited to not more than 65 persons.
► Second Circular - Please only use this updated file version!
► Registration Form (rtf) - Please only use this updated file version! We regret the initial technical problems. Hopefully, they are solved now.
► Field trip route and outline
► Guideline and Template for Abstracts
► Peribaltic Meeting 2019 Updated Programm (Fourth Circular)
Currently we have 65 pre-registrations. That's the maximum number of participants. If you are interested in participating in the annual field symposium of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group in Greifswald, please fill out the registration form (see link above) and send it by e-mail to We will put you on a WAITING LIST and inform you when vacancies are available.
Preliminary program:
7. September 2019 (Saturday): Arrival and ice breaker party
8. September 2019 (Sunday evening): Talks and poster session at the Institute of Geography and Geology of the Greifswald University, conference dinner
9. – 12. September 2019 (Monday to Thursday): Field trip to Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg
· Kinematics of the Jasmund Glaciotectonic Complex on Rügen island (landform and structural analysis)
· Weichselian glaciation on Rügen (luminescence dating, sediment-facies analysis, micromorphology, till microfabrics, seismites)
· The River Tollense valley - From subglacial channel to Bronze age battle field (Quaternary and Holocene valley and river development, archaeology)
· From Krakow am See to Lake Tiefer See (postglacial lake and river development, lacustrine deposition, lake monitoring)
13. September 2019 (Friday morning): Departure by bus to Greifswald (arrival 12:00 p.m. / noon), alternative train connection to Berlin (arrival 11:16 a.m.)
Abstracts of talks and poster presentations are available online:
Börner, A., Hüneke, H., Lorenz, S. (eds.): Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group "From Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics to holocene land use development in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg": abstract volume, (Scientific Technical Report ; 19/01), International Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group (Greifswald 2019), Potsdam : GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 136 p., 2019.
The field guidebook is also available online:
Hüneke, H., Börner, A. and Lorenz, A. (eds.): From Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics to Holocene landscape changes in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg – field trips on geology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology. DEUQUA Spec. Pub., 2, 1–93, 2019

Traveling to Greifswald: Greifswald is a city in northeastern Germany. It is situated at the Baltic Sea coast, 80 km from the Polish border. Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald is one of the oldest universities in both Germany and Europe. The closest international airports are at a distance of about 250 kilometres in Berlin and Hamburg. The regional airport at Rostock-Laage is about 100 kilometres west of Greifswald. The next ferry harbours are at Rostock and Sassnitz-Mukran. All these destinations are connected to the city of Greifswald by train.
Registration: The number of participants is limited, since accommodation and transport cannot be provided for more than 65 people. Therefore, we recommend to register as early as possible by using . Please fill in the Registration Form (see link above) to send it per E-mail to peribalticuni-greifswaldde before 20 March 2019. We will inform you by the beginning of April 2019 whether you have been successfully pre-registered or not. Final registration requires abstract submission and bank transfer of the conference fee at latest at 15 May 2019.
Conference fee: The conference fee is 470.00 EUR per person (for students 420.00 EUR). The fee includes full board accommodation, transportation during the excursion, field guide, and other meeting materials from the evening of 7th September to morning of 13th September 2019. Please note that the conference fee does not cover any health or travel insurance. The bank details will be announced with the third circular. The student fee applies only to participants currently enrolled in a higher education programme of any level (bachelor, master, doctoral). To confirm the eligibility of the student discount, a confirmation letter from the education institution has to be sent (scanned and e-mailed) to the organizers of the Symposium. The confirmation letter can be sent at the same time of making the bank transfer.
Special funding: The Greifswald University offers financial support for scientists and PhD students from of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Russia. Please send your financial support scheme applications via e-mail to Sebastian Lorenz ( before 20 March 2019.
Visas and cover letters: The organizing committee can provide an invitation letter necessary to obtain a visa. To receive the invitation, please, follow the instructions detailed in the Second Circular (see link above).
Oral and poster presentations: The language of the symposium will be English. The time for each oral presentation is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for the discussion. A multimedia projector and a computer with a current version of Microsoft Office and a PDF reader will be available.
In case you are interested, please keep informed by visiting this web site from time to time:
Organizing Committee:
Main conference leader: Heiko Hüneke (
Deputy conference leader: Sebastian Lorenz (
Conference Secretary: Andreas Börner (
Contributors and potential field leaders: Tobias Beiche,Szymon Belzyt, Andreas Börner, Brian Brademann, Achim Brauer, Johannes Brumme, Anna Gehrmann, Franziska-Charlotte Grabbe, Chris Harding, Heiko Hüneke, Michael Kenzler, Christoph Kettler, A.J. (Tom) van Loon, Mathias Küster, Gundula Lidke, Sebastian Lorenz, Paul Mehlhorn, Martin Meschede, Karsten Obst, Emrys Phillips, Sylvia Pinkerneil, Małgorzata Pisarska-Jamroży, Henrik Rother, Stig A. Schack Pedersen, Markus Schwab, Laura Winkler
We thank the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the International Office of the Greifswald University for funding participants from partner universities.
We are grateful to the following sponsors for its financial support of the conference:
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund
GEO Projekt Schwerin GbR
Unternehmerverband Mineralische Baustoffe e. V.
Lagerstättengeologie-GmbH Neubrandenburg
GIG Gesellschaft für Ingenieurgeologie mbH
Carlsberg Deutschland - Mecklenburgische Brauerei Lübz GmbH