Technische Ausstattung
Our mineralogical laboratories hosts a series of high resolution nanotools for studying the crystal-chemistry of fine-grained materials. Our prime techniques involve combining X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy (scanning and transmission modes) for characterizing and monitoring the crystal-chemsitry of fine particle mineral reactions in various geological and geotechnical settings. A summary of our analytical instruments is listed as follows:
Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD)
Elektronenmikroskopie (TEM | SEM | FIB-SEM | REM)
Installed 2021
Jeol Jem 2100 Plu (DFG instrument: Project number 428027021)
High resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) 200 kV
LaB6 cathode
- Oxford instruments EDX (100mm2 X-Max detector) and AZtec software
- Selective electron diffraction analyses
- CMOS camera system (TemCam-XF416)
- SE and BSE dectectors
- Sample cooling stage
- Magnet field compensator
Publications that involved the used of this instrument
Zeiss-Evo MA 10
Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit Energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie (REM-EDX)
- Wolframfilament
- 3 nm Auflösung bei 30 kV
- Variabler Druckbereich (10 - 400 Pa)
- Sekundärelektronenselektor (SE)
- Rückstreuelektronendetetor (BSD)
- EDX-Detektor: EDAX Element
- bis 30 kV Beschleunigungsspannung