... the studies prepared me well for a field of work ...

When I started my studies in Greifswald, I had lived in Germany for about two years. I had never set foot in Greifswald, or the northern parts of Germany really. I immediately liked the architecture of the Hansestadt. It has the cutest city center with cafés, restaurants, pubs, a wine bar and a small harbor! Unfortunately, the corona virus caught the world as I was about to start my second semester, so I didn’t get to experience the full student life Greifswald has to offer (which is great).
However, I would definitely recommend anyone to study geology in Greifswald! It is a great location for exploring the cliffs of Rügen or the sand dunes of Hiddensee.
There are three master programs to choose from within geosciences, “georesources and the environment” is given in English. The courses are held in small classes, and can be tailored into what the students find interesting, within the field of the course. The professors and lecturers are well-invested in your learning and there are lots of possibilities for practical work and excursions. I’ll be forever grateful for my enthusiastic professor and supervisor who helped me with my thesis project, where I got to go to a drill site for geothermal heating, spend time in Sternberg with the thousands of meters of drill cores, and meet so many interesting people.
After my studies I went back to Sweden, where I now work as an environmental consultant within the field of contaminated soil and groundwater. In my job I’m part of planning, preparing and evaluating investigations of, mostly, soil and groundwater, to evaluate whether a place can be used for building houses, parks, industries or any other kind of land use, or if remediation is needed. I get to do a lot of fieldwork and sample soil, sediment, soil pore space gas, surface- and groundwater. I believe that the studies prepared me well for a field of work where our need for space and production exceeds the Earth's resources, and how to deal with the consequences of human impact on the environment.
I hope (know) you’ll enjoy your studies at Greifswald university, and don’t miss out on the weird and wonderful traditions happening in the Geologenkeller!
Linda at 2024/09/30