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in progress

  • PhD position available


  • Wenzel, M. (2020): Palaeontological and sedimentological investigation of an Eemian succession at Klein Klütz Höved (SW Baltic Sea Coast). Master Thesis, University Greifswald, 46 pp.
  • Laesch, C. (2020): Badger (Meles) burrows in the late Pleistocene succession of Pisede (NE-Germany) - age assesment by luminescences dating. Master Thesis, University Greifswald, 67 pp.
  • Plonka, N. (2019): Fazies und Sedimentarchitektur der interstadialen Sedimente am Kliff von Dwasieden: Abbild glazitektonischer Prozesse (I2, Jasmund, Rügen). Bachelor Thesis, University Greifswald, 52 pp.
  • Schulze-Wollgast, T. (2019): Depositional environment and chronostratigraphical assessment of the Pleistocene Cyprina Clay of Wittow (Rügen, NE Germany).Master thesis. 110 pp.
  • Kettler, C. (2018): The potential of microstructural analyses of tillites in reconstructing ice movements - case study from the Australian Permo-Carboniferous glaciation (Bacchus Marsh Formation, Victoria). Master Thesis, University Greifswald, 131 pp.
  • Neffgen, N. (2018): Geomorphologie und interne Sedimentstrukturen holozäner Küstensedimente der Insel Usedom - Neue Erkenntnisse durch Georadaruntersuchungen. Bachelor Thesis, University Greifswald, 68 pp.