Dr. Alica Repenning

Postdoc Humangeographie

I Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Str. 17a

I Raum 324

I +49 (0) 3834 420 4510

I alica.repenninguni-greifswaldde

I Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung per Mail


  • Plattformökonomie
  • Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
  • Raum-Zeitliche Perspektiven
  • Kritische Innovationsanalyse
  • Digitale Geographie
  • Feministische Geographien

Akademischer Werdegang

seit 10_2023 Postdoc am Lehrstuhl für Humangeographie der Universität Greifswald
03_2020 – 08_2023 Doktorandin an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
02_2019 – 10_2023 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung (IRS)
09_2016 – 12_2018 M.Sc. Universität Kopenhagen "Geography and Geoinformatics: Transformation of Cities and Landscapes"
09_2015 – 02_2016 Loughborough University, UK (Erasmus Exchange Semester)
09_12 – 09_2016 B.Sc. Universität Heidelberg Geographie


Selected Publications

Aufsätze in Fachzeitschriften / Papers in Scientific Journals

Repenning & Hardaker (2024), The Platform Fix: Analyzing Mechanisms and Contradictions of How Digital Platforms Tackle Pending Urban-Economic Challenges. Journal of Economic Geographyhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbae015 


Repenning (2024), Speeding up, Slowing Down, Losing Grip: On Digital Media Metronomes and Timespace Friction in the Platformised Temporalities of Fashion Design.Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (EPA), 56 (5) 1503-1520. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0308518X241231691)


Repenning & Oechslen (2023), Creative Digipreneurs: Artistic Entrepreneurial Practices in Platform-mediated Space, Digital Geography and Society 4 100058. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diggeo.2023.100058)


Repenning (2022), Workspaces of Mediation: How Digital Platforms Shape Practices, Spaces and Places of Creative Work, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (TSEG) 113(2) 211–224. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/tesg.12508)


Ibert, Oechslen, Repenning, Schmidt (2022), Platform Ecology: A User‐centric and Relational Conceptualization of Online Platforms, Global Networks 22(3) 564–579. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/glob.12355)



Repenning (2024), Digital Timespace Friction - The Tempo-spatial Conflicts of Platform Mediation. Dissertation. HU Berlin e-doc (open access). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18452/28369


Expertise / Positionspapier / Policy Paper

Ibert, Oechslen, Repenning & Schmidt (2022, Mär 14). Geht regional auch digital? Handlungsansätze zur Gestaltung von regionalen digitalen Plattformen. Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung. http://hdl.handle.net/10419/251348


Conference Paper / Konferenzpapier (Auswahl)

Herzum, J., Repenning, A. (2024): Space-making Practices for Navigating Paradoxes – Spacing, Juxtaposing, and Meaning-making in the Context of a Digital Social Innovation. In: Academy of Management Proceedings. https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.19639abstract



SPACECONOMICS: „Können globale digitale Plattformen den lokalen Einzelhandel wirklich stärken?“ mit Alica Repenning & Sina Hardaker“. Uni Jena, Host Björn Bjarne Braunschweig. https://mehrblogs.uni-jena.de/mehrblogs/spaceconomics/ (oder auf allen gängigen Podcast-Plattformen)

Konferenzbeiträge / Conference Paper Presentations

Conferences and international connections

City, Code, and Creativity. Rethinking Economic Timespaces. Cities and Landscape Seminar. Invited presentation by the research group "Transformation of Cities and Landscapes". Institute for Geography and Geology. Copenhagen University. (November 2024).

Visitor at the Center for Time and Organisation. Copenhagen Business School.

Herzum, J., Repenning, A. (2024): Space-making Practices for Navigating Paradoxes – Spacing, Juxtaposing, and Meaning-making in the Context of a Digital Social Innovation. In: Academy of Management Proceedings. Organization and Management Theory Division, 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago. 

Oechslen, A., Mao, Y. & Repenning, A. (2024): Assembling Digital Workplaces: Conducting Digital Ethnographies of Coworking, Gig Working, and Creative Entrepreneurship., 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024 European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS). Milan.

Affect, Autonomy, and Algorithmic Acceleration: The Rollercoaster of Emotion and Action in Digital Social Innovation on Instagram I IRGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2023, London (DAAD-Stipendium Konferenzreisen)

Eine nutzungszentrierte und relationale Perspektive auf wirtschaftliche Interaktionen im on/offline Raum I 16. Rauischholzhausener Symposium zur Wirtschaftsgeographie | 2023

The Imperfection of Organizing In-between On/offline Timespaces I 38th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium | 2022, WU Vienna

Creative Entrepreneurial Work Practices and Digital Platforms 6th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO2022) | 2022, Bucconi University Milan

Mediated Workspaces I 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) | 2022, University of Dublin

Work practices of entrepreneuring in a platform-mediated environment, 37th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium with Co-author: Anna Oechslen | 2021

Studying Everyday Practices in on/offline Workplaces (with Anna Oechslen), Jahrestreffen des AK Labour Geography I 2021

Räumliche Einbettung von Plattform Ökologien, NKG XVII: Technocultures & Technoscapes | 2020, University of Bonn



I Digitale Geographien: Smarte Städte, digitale Dörfer und technologische Transformationen (Vorlesung Spezielle Themen der Humangeographie)

I Begleitseminar zur Vorlesung Humangeographie (Gruppe 1)


I Seminar: Empirische Raumforschung

I Übung: Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Raumforschung
