Kolloquium | Socioeconomic development in Central Europe: Do national borders matter?

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Socioeconomic development in Central Europe: Do national borders matter?
Dr. Pavlína Netrdová & Dr. Vojtěch Nosek von der Karls-Universität in Prag am 18. Juni 2019

“Border regions in Central Europe are important interfaces for the integration process. How to measure and evaluate the impact of changing nature to borders on regional processes and the overall socioeconomic differentiation? In our research, we aim to reveal the effects of national borders in the Central European region at the local (municipal) level. We will introduce our methodological approach based on spatial data analysis and discuss preliminary empirical results.”

Der Vortrag finden im Rahmen der "Geowissenschaftlichen Kolloquien" statt.


  • Hörsaal Geologie
    Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17 A
    17489 Greifswald

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