Kolloquium | From sedimentary provenance and thermochronology to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation and uplift in Central Europe.

Einladung zum Kolloquiumsvortrag:
„From sedimentary provenance and thermochronology to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic exhumation and uplift in Central Europe.”
Prof. Dr. Hilmar von Eynatten von der Universität Göttingen

“Starting with sedimentary provenance analysis of the Subhercynian Basin in front of the Harz Mountains and followed by thermochronological data from thrust-bounded basement blocks in Central Europe, the talk is going to demonstrate the possibilities to constrain timing and amount of uplift. In the second part the focus is placed on thermochronology of areas between these blocks, suggesting contemporaneous exhumation and uplift with less magnitude. The results are interpreted in terms of superposition of different processes shaping the Late Mesozoic to Recent relief in Central Europe.”

Der Vortrag finden im Rahmen der "Geowissenschaftlichen Kolloquien" statt. 


  • Hörsaal Geologie
    Institut für Geographie und Geologie, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17 A
    17489 Greifswald

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