Workshop | Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Clays and Clay Minerals

In 2017 the 7th international DTTG workshop on "Qualitative and quantitative analysis of clays and clay minerals" will take place from Monday February 20th to Friday February 24th 2017 at the University of Greifswald. The workshop focuses on the needs of graduate students in the field of clay science. The workshop is also open for scientists and people working in industry who are interested in clay science. Content of the workshop, taught completely in English, will include topical lectures on theory as well as practical laboratory exercises. Clay scientists from Germany and Switzerland (listed below) will cover the most important analytical tools needed to study clay minerals. This year a day focused on electron microscopy will be included. The program will also includes one day of Rietveld modelling of XRD patterns, and other methods/topics such as FTIR, CEC, STA, chemistry of clay minerals, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and pore investigations.

The number of participants is limited to 15. Therefore you are asked to submit your application by e-mail to Grathoffuni-greifswaldde with a short description of your field of work, status (student etc.) together with a short statement about your motivation to participate in the workshop.
Confirmation and detailed information to the program, travel etc. will be sent after registration deadline.
Registration deadline is 30th October 2016.

The fees below include workshop material, coffee breaks and workshop dinner:

Students  300,- €
Scientists (University or Governmental Organizations) 600,- €
Industry  1100,- €

Members of DTTG or DBG receive a reduction of 20% of the full foes.

Lecturers include: Jan Dietel (BGR  Hannover), Katja  Emmerich (KIT Karlsruhe),  Albert Gilg (TU Munich), Stephan Kaufhold (BGR Hannover), Reinhard Kleeberg (TU Freiberg), Michael Plötze (ETH Zürich), Anja Schleicher (GFZ Potsdam), Helge Stanjek or Pieter Bertier (RWTH Aachen)

For further information: DTTG Workshop

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