Earth Observation and Geoinformation Science Lab

Felix Beer is a landscape ecologist with a focus on peatland research. Since 2022 and funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, he has been working as a doctoral student in the Earth Observation and Geoinformation Science Lab on the characterization and mapping of peatlands and wetlands in the Cerrado, Brazil. To this end, he combines ecological field research with satellite remote sensing in an interdisciplinary approach. To map the peatland distribution, Felix uses neural networks with time series of optical and radar satellite data. Among other things, his ecological field work provides him with the data basis for this.

Curriculum Vitae
2009-2014 Bachelor of Science Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz, Universität Greifswald, Thesis title: Secondary Succession on Pantellerria Island (Italy) - Revisiting old plots
2014-2018 Master of Science Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz, Universität Greifswald, Thesis title: First Assessment of the Kumusi Peatland, Oro province, Papua New Guinea
2018-2019 Internship Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome
2019-2021 Research assistant, DUENE e.V. und Universität Greifswald
Selected Publications
  • Beer, F. et al. Peatlands in the Brazilian Cerrado: insights into knowledge, status and research needs. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22, 260–269 (2024).
  • Pham, VD., de Waard, F., Thiel, F. et al. An annual land cover dataset for the Baltic Sea Region with crop types and peat bogs at 30 m from 2000 to 2022. Sci Data 11, 1242 (2024).
  • Nunes da Cunha, C. et al. CAPÍTULO 18 ECOSSISTEMAS VEREDAS DO BRASIL: Situação do conhecimento científico, tipologias e recomendação para sua proteção. (2024) IN: Inventário das áreas úmidas brasileiras: Distribuição, ecologia, manejo, ameaças e lacunas de conhecimento. Carlini & Caniato Editorial, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2020. Peatlands mapping and monitoring - Recommendations and technical overview. Rome
  • Wantzen, K.M., Beer, F., Glatzel, S. & Jungkunst, H. 2022. IN: Mehner, T. & Trockner, K. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, p. 169-181
  • Beer, F. et al. (2021): Peatlands. In FAO and ITPS (Eds.) Recarbonizing global soils: a technical manual of recommended management practices, Volume 2. Hot spots and bright spots of soil organic carbon. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.