
Research Projects

Societal Innovation Capability and Transformation Processes in Peripheral Regions of Eastern Germany: Engagement, Discourses and Networks (GITpRO); BMBF (2022-2025), together with Daniel Schiller and Paula Prenzel.

Contact person: Johannes Müller


Regional learning bioeconomy - conception and implementation in northeastern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the alliance "Plant3: Knowledge, Innovation, Change", BMBF (2023-2025).

Contact person: Felix Klimm


Model Project of Spatial Planning (MORO); Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region - German VASAB Chair 2022/2023; Model Project "International VASAB Summer School" (2022; together with Daniel Schiller & Paula Prenzel)

Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO)

Policy Mobilities in the Rural Baltic Sea Region (2021-2025); Rural Entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region (2023-2026).

Spokesperson for the research area Innovations and Policy Mobilities in the Rural Baltic Sea Region: Services of General Interest, Financing Systems and Entrepreneurship

University of Greifswald. Concept phase 2019 - 2021; BMBF

Spokesperson for the field of research Regional Development and Rural Areas


DialogPlant3 in the alliance “Plant3: Wissen, Innovation, Wandel”; funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the programme "WIR! - Wandel durch Innovation in der Region" (2021-2023)

Contact person: Daniel Trebing

Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SSUMP)

Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SSUMP) - model project Greifswald 2020 (one-year concept phase); funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the programme "MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025".

Scientific support on behalf of the city of Greifswald

Contact person: Oliver Klein

Transition pathways and shifting geographies in agrifood production networks

Responsible: Dr. Oliver Klein


Discursive Representations of German Towns – The Contribution Made by Tourism

Responsible: Julius Brandt


Fisheries Policy as Assemblage

Responsible: Clemens Lisdat


Science and Scholarship for Sustainable Development, MWK, Niedersachsen

“Science and Scholarship for Sustainable Development” (VolkswagenStiftung & Ministry of Science and Culture, Niedersachsen) 2016-2019 as part of the “Niedersächsisches Vorab Programme”; in the collaborative project Bioeconomy 2.0:  Innovation Potential of Peripheral in Food Processing”; project partners: University of Greifswald (project leader), German Institute of Food Technologies (Quakenbrück), Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Leibniz University Hanover, University of Göttingen, University of Vechta

“Science and Scholarship for Sustainable Development” (VolkswagenStiftung & Ministry of Science and Culture, Niedersachsen) 2015-2019 as part of the “Niedersächsisches Vorab Programme”;