
The master’s degree course “Earth Sciences” requires certain entry requirements that you must meet (see General Information). You can start the course in both the summer and winter semester. However, we suggest that you start your course in the winter semester.

There are different enrolment procedures depending on where you gained your previous qualifications.

German degree

If you did your undergraduate degree or gained your qualifications in Germany, please enrol online here [de].

The next enrolment takes place in the summer semester 2025. The enrolment should be done online (see link above). The enrolment period is from 03.02.–28.03.2025 (with a break intbetween 01.03.–09.03.2025).  A personal registration is not possible in the specified period.

Non-German degrees

Students with non-German degrees must apply online through "Uni-Assist". Next application will start in May for winter semester 2025. Deadline for application will be 15.07.2025. For detailed information regarding the application procedure click the link below.
The online application is managed by "Uni-Assist".