Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andre Banning

Chair for Applied Geology
Seit 04/2023 Universität Greifswald: Professor für Angewandte Geologie
Institut für Geographie und Geologie
2021-2023 University College Cork (Irland): Lecturer in Environmental Science
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
2019-2020 Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Akademischer Oberrat a.Z.
Lehrstuhl Angewandte Geologie
01/2019 PD habil.,Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
Habilitationsschrift: “Occurrence and fate of toxicologically relevant inorganic trace elements in used aquifer systems”
2013-2019 Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Postdoc
Lehrstuhl Angewandte Geologie
2012 RWTH Aachen: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Postdoc
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Hydrogeologie
03/2012 Dr. rer. nat., RWTH Aachen, Fakultät für Georessourcen und Materialtechnik
Dissertation: “Natural arsenic and uranium accumulation and remobilization in different geological environments”
2007-2012 RWTH Aachen: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Doktorand
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Hydrogeologie
2006-2007 Universität Münster: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie
2006 Petrom, Ploieşti (Rumänien): Praktikant
Department Exploration and Reservoir
2006 Dipl.-Geol.,Universität Münster
Diplomarbeit: “Arsen aus Oberkreidesedimenten des südwestlichen Münsterlandes – Vorkommen, Bindungsformen, Mobilität”
Diplomkartierung: “Geologie des östlichen Piemonte-Beckens, NW Italien”
2002-2006 Universität Münster: Studentische Hilfskraft und Tutor
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie
2000-2006 Universität Münster: Studium der Geologie/Paläontologie
2000 Abitur in Neuenkirchen-St. Arnold, Deutschland
Articles in peer-reviewed journals (04/2023)
Ortmeyer, F.: Hansen, B.; Banning, A. (2023): Groundwater nitrate problem and countermeasures in strongly affected EU countries – a comparison between Germany, Denmark and Ireland. – Grundwasser (2023): 3–22.
Ortmeyer, F.; Guerreiro, M.A.; Begerow, D.; Banning, A. (2023): Modified microbiology through enhanced denitrification by addition of various organic substances – temperature effect. – Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Quang Tran, T.; Banning, A.; Heinze, T.; Wohnlich, S. (2022): Integration of Self-Organizing Maps, statistical analysis, and hydrogeochemical modeling methods to identify spatio-seasonal variations of mine water quality. – Journal of Geochemical Exploration 233, 106908.
Banning, A. (2021): Geogenic arsenic and uranium in Germany: Large-scale distribution control in sediments and groundwater. – Journal of Hazardous Materials 405, 124186.
Ortmeyer, F.; Begerow, D.; Guerreiro, M.A.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A. (2021): Comparison of denitrification induced by various organic substances – reaction rates, microbiology and temperature effect. – Water Resources Research 57, e2021WR029793.
Lenhart, S.; Ortmeyer, F.; Banning, A. (2021): Denitrification in the Vadose Zone: Modelling with Percolating Water Prognosis and Denitrification Potential. – Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 242, 103843.
Ostwald, L.-J.; Banning, A. (2021): Mineral precipitations and hydrochemical evolution of brines in graduation towers. – Environmental Processes 8, 729-746.
Ortmeyer, F.; Mas-Pla, J.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A. (2021): Forecasting nitrate evolution in an alluvial aquifer under distinct environmental and climate change scenarios (Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany). – Science of the Total Environment 768, 144463.
Mebrahtu, T.K.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A.; Hagos, E. (2021): The effect of hydrogeological and hydrochemical dynamics on landslide triggering in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. – Hydrogeology Journal 29, 1239-1260.
Ortmeyer, F.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A. (2021): Trace element mobility during Corg enhanced denitrification in two different aquifers. – Water 13, 1589.
Schütze, A.; Banning, A.; Bender, S. (2021): Mapping and simulation of urban flooding after heavy rain events. – Grundwasser 26, 87-97.
Ortmeyer, F.; Volkova, K.; Wisotzky, F.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A. (2021): Monitoring nitrate reduction: hydrogeochemistry and clogging potential in raw water wells. – Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 112-126.
Mebrahtu, T.K., Hussien, B., Banning, A., Wohnlich, S. (2021): Predisposing and triggering factors of large-scale landslides in Debre Sina area, central Ethiopian highlands. – Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 365-383.
Quang Tran, T.; Banning, A.; Wisotzky, F.; Wohnlich, S. (2020): Mine water hydrogeochemistry of abandoned coal mines in the outcropped Carboniferous formations, Ruhr Area, Germany. – Environmental Earth Sciences 79, 84-99.
Meurer, M.; Banning, A. (2019): Uranium in the Bunter Sandstone of Heligoland – impact on brackish water and drinking water quality. – Grundwasser 24, 43-50.
Jebreen, H.; Banning, A.; Wohnlich, S.; Niedermayr, A.; Ghanem, M.; Wisotzky, F. (2018): The Influence of Karst Aquifer Mineralogy and Geochemistry on Groundwater Characteristics: West Bank, Palestine. – Water 10, 1829-1846.
Cardona, A.; Banning, A.; Carrillo-Rivera, J.J.; Aguillón-Robles, A.; Rüde, T.R.; Aceves de Alba, J. (2018): Natural controls validation for handling elevated fluoride concentrations in extraction activated groundwater flow systems. – Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 121-133.
Jebreen, H.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A.; Wisotzky, F.; Niedermayr, A.; Ghanem, M. (2018): Recharge, geochemical processes and water quality in karst aquifers: Central West Bank, Palestine. – Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 261-276.
Banning, A.; Pawletko, N.; Röder, J.; Kübeck, C.; Wisotzky, F. (2017): Ex situ groundwater treatment triggering the mobilization of geogenic uranium from aquifer sediments. – Science of the Total Environment 587-588, 371-380.
Steffanowski, J.; Banning, A. (2017): Uraniferous dolomite – a natural source of high groundwater uranium concentrations in northern Bavaria, Germany? – Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 508-518.
Banning, A.; Benfer, M. (2017): Drinking water uranium and potential health effects in the German federal state of Bavaria. – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 927-936.
Jebreen, H.; Wohnlich, S.; Wisotzky, F.; Banning, A.; Niedermayr, A.; Ghanem, M.G. (2017): Recharge estimation in semi-arid karst catchments: Central West Bank, Palestine. – Grundwasser 23, 91-101.
Koffi, V.; Obuobie, E.; Banning, A.; Wohnlich, S. (2017): Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater and surface water for domestic and irrigation purposes in Vea catchment, Northern Ghana. – Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 185-203.
Wisotzky, F.; Droste, B.; Banning, A. (2017): Hydrogeochemistry and geogenic fluoride and boron groundwater problems in the Emscher Fm. (Münsterland region, Germany). – Grundwasser 22, 3-15.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2015): Apatite weathering as a geological driver of high uranium concentrations in groundwater. – Applied Geochemistry 59, 139-146.
Banning, A.; Demmel, T.; Rüde, T.R.; Wrobel, M. (2013): Groundwater uranium origin and fate control in a river valley aquifer. – Environmental Science & Technology 47, 13941-13948.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R.; Dölling, B. (2013): Crossing redox boundaries – Aquifer redox history and effects on iron mineralogy and arsenic availability. – Journal of Hazardous Materials 262, 905-914.
Banning, A.; Cardona, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2012): Uranium and arsenic dynamics in volcano-sedimentary basins – an exemplary study in north-central Mexico. – Applied Geochemistry 27, 2160-2172.
Naurath, L.; Weidner, C.; Rüde, T.R.; Banning, A. (2011): A new approach to quantify Na-fluorescein (uranine) in acid mine waters. – Mine Water and the Environment 30, 231-236.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2010): Enrichment processes of arsenic in oxidic sedimentary rocks – from geochemical and genetic characterization to potential mobility. – Water Research 44, 5512-5531.
Banning, A.; Coldewey, W.G.; Göbel, P. (2009): A procedure to identify natural arsenic sources, applied in an affected area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. – Environmental Geology 57, 775-787.
Banning, A. (2008): Bog Iron Ores and their Potential Role in Arsenic Dynamics: An Overview and a “Paleo Example”. – Engineering in Life Sciences 8, 641-649.
Other academic articles and book chapters (selection)
Banning, A.; Schwertfeger, D.; Alonso Torres, S.; Cardona, A. (2021): Trace element (As, F, U) contamination and hydrogeochemistry in the vicinity of a Mexican ore mine. – In: Pope, J. et al. (Eds.): Mine Water Solutions: 7-12.
Schütte, P.; Banning, A. (2020): Interdisziplinäre Lehre in der Praxis – Ergebnisse aus dem Lehrforschungsprojekt „Leben auf „begrenztem“ Raum“. – Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik: Hochschuldidaktik und Hochschulentwicklung, 217-223; Bielefeld (wbv).
Banning, A. (2018): Das Anthropozän – die Menschheit als geologischer Faktor? – In: Göcke, B.P. & Meier-Hamidi, F. (Eds., 2018): Designobjekt Mensch – Die Agenda des Transhumanismus auf dem Prüfstand: 409-426; Freiburg (Herder).
Banning, A.; Schütte-Bestek, P. (2016): Trace substances in ascending mine water – environmental and social effects in urban areas. – In: Drebenstedt, C. & Paul, M. (Eds.): Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions: 727-730.
Banning, A.; Göcke, B.P. (2015): Was wissen wir wirklich? – Paradigmata der Geologie und ihre wissenschaftstheoretische Bewertung durch Studierende. – Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre 71, 41-59.
Banning, A. (2014): Uran – geogene und anthropogene Grundwasserproblematik. – Bochumer Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten 21: 28-38.
Banning, A.; Wisotzky, F.; Wohnlich, S. (2014): Standortspezifische Arzneimittelbelastungs-situation des Grundwassers im Ruhrtal. – Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 118, 182-183.
Wisotzky, F.; Leson, M.; Banning, A. (2013): Nitrate and sulfate isotopes in the groundwater of the sandy Haltern Formation (Germany) to investigate nitrate reduction processes. – Central European Geology 56 (2-3), 130-133.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2011): Nature´s Poisons in Germany? – Exploring and Explaining Geogenic Arsenic and Uranium in Sediments and Groundwater. – Mitteilungen zur Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie 104: 107-118.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R.; Cardona, A.; Aguillón-Robles, A.; Padilla-Sanchez, L. (2010): Uranium and arsenic in some aquifers from Mexico and Germany – a common geogenic development? – In: Birkle, P. & Torres-Alvarado, I.S. (Eds., 2010): Water-Rock Interaction XIII: 367-370.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2010): Impact of paleo redox processes on arsenic distribution and mobility in sediments. – In: Jean, J.-S. et al. (Eds., 2010): Arsenic in geosphere and human diseases,
Conference abstracts (selection)
Rivera, C.; Banning, A.; Cardona, A. (2023): Geochemistry of natural As, F and U to groundwater in the Mexican Sierra Madre Occidental. – Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon/France.
Quang Tran, T.; Banning, A.; Wohnlich, S. (2021): Application of multivariate statistical analysis in mine water hydrogeochemical studies of the outcropped Upper Carboniferous, Ruhr Area, Germany. – 14th International Mine Water Association Congress (IMWA 2021), Wales.
Ortmeyer, F.; Mas-Pla, J.; Wohnlich, S.; Banning, A. (2021): Projections of groundwater nitrate concentrations – Climate change intensifies the nitrate problem. – 48th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH 2021), Brussels/Belgium.
Banning, A. (2019): Cases of uranium accumulation and mobilization in the German Triassic. – Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona/Spain.
Schwertfeger, D.; Cardona, A.; Alonso Torres, S.; Banning, A. (2019): Hydrogeochemistry and origin of elevated concentrations of fluoride, arsenic and uranium in the area of the San Antonio el Grande mine, Chihuahua/Mexico. – Latin-American Colloquium of Geosciences 2019, Hamburg.
Mebrahtu, T.K.; Wohnlich, S.; Alber, M.; Hussien, B.; Banning, A. (2019): Integrated Approach to Unravel Mechanics of Slope Failure Inducing Landslides in Debre Sina Area, Central Highlands of Ethiopia. – WMESS conference, Prague/Czech Republic.
Cardona, A.; Banning, A.; Carrillo-Rivera, J.J.; Aguillón-Robles, A.; Rüde, T.R.; Aceves de Alba, J. (2018): High fluoride concentration control in extraction wells through the understanding of the prevailing Tóthian Groundwater Flow Systems response: a 20 years comparative results assessment in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. – 45th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH 2018), Daejeon/South Korea.
Jebreen, H.; Banning, A.; Wohnlich, S. (2018): Karst groundwater resources: problems, management, and sustainability, an example from a carbonate aquifer in Palestine. – AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C./U.S.A.
Banning, A.; Cardona, A.; Carrillo-Rivera, J.J.; Aguillón-Robles, A.; Rüde, T.R.; Aceves de Alba, J. (2018): Fluorid in intensiv genutzten Grundwässern Zentralmexikos: Quellen, Kontrollmechanismen, Entwicklung. – 26. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2018), Bochum.
Meurer, M.; Banning, A. (2018): Vererzungen (Cu, U) im Buntsandstein Helgolands – Vorkommen und Auswirkung auf die Brack- und Trinkwasserqualität. – 26. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2018), Bochum.
Nasemann, A.; Wisotzky, F.; Banning, A. (2018): Hydrochemie der Erbstollenwässer im östlichen Ruhrgebiet und deren Modellierung. – 26. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2018), Bochum.
Sprengel, N.; Wisotzky, F.; Banning, A. (2018): Laborexperimente zur in-situ Sanierung von Chromatgrundwasserschäden. – 26. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2018), Bochum.
Benfer, M.; Banning, A. (2017): Correlating spatial medical and drinking water data – connections between uranium distribution and public health? – Spatial Statistics 2017: One World: One Health, Lancaster/UK.
Banning, A.; Schütte-Bestek, P.; Bäcker, H.; Müller, M.; Vaitl, T. (2017): Learning in interdisciplinary contexts – the German case study ‘Life on “limited” space’. – Global Education, Teaching & Learning Conference (GETL 2017), Dubrovnik/Croatia.
Banning, A.; Wisotzky, F. (2016): Fluoride and boron as geogenic groundwater contaminants in a Cretaceous aquifer (Germany). – 10th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG 2016), Galway/Ireland.
Banning, A.; Röder, J.; Pawletko, N.; Wisotzky, F.; Kübeck, C.; Bergmann, A. (2016): Hydrogeochemische Kopplung von Nitrat und Uran: Mechanismen und Fallbeispiele. – 25. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2016), Karlsruhe.
Göcke, B.; Banning, A. (2016): Fächerdialog als Seminar: Wissenschaftstheoretische Reflexion geologischer Modellvorstellungen. – Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (dghd16), Bochum.
Koffi, V.; Obuobie, E.; Banning, A.; Wohnlich, S. (2016): Hydrogeological processes controlling water quality in the crystalline basement aquifer of the Vea Catchment in Northeast Ghana. – AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco/U.S.A.
Schindler, F.; Wisotzky, F.; Banning, A.; Cremer, N. (2016): Uranmobilisierung im Buntsandstein des Mechernicher Triasdreiecks. – 25. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGGV 2016), Karlsruhe.
Banning, A.; Pawletko, N.; Wisotzky, F.; Kübeck, C.; Bergmann, A. (2015): Hydrogeochemistry of elevated groundwater uranium in a German well catchment. – 42nd Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (AQUA 2015), Rome/Italy.
Englert, A.; Banning, A.; Siegmund, J.; Freye, S.; Gökpinar, T. (2015): Multiple tracer tests in porous media during clogging. – AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco/U.S.A.
Esmaeilian, A.; Mahdavi Mazdeh, A.; Banning, A. (2015): Comparative study of different indexes for predicting calcite precipitation (case study: Karun River, Iran). – Water: Source of Life, Qazvin/Iran.
Banning, A. (2014): Arsenic in German sediment basins and its dynamics during the evolution of Central Europe. – Sino-German Workshop on Geogenic Arsenic in the Environment, Beijing/China.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2012): Origin, reservoirs and fate control of natural uranium in northern Bavaria, Germany. – 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG 2012), Aveiro/Portugal.
Rüde, T.R.; Banning, A.; Demmel, T.; Wrobel, M. (2012): Verteilung und Ursachen erhöhter Uran-Konzentrationen in quartärem Grundwasser Südbayerns. –23. Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (FH-DGG 2012), Dresden.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2011): Triassic francolite – a player in Franconia´s groundwater arsenic and uranium problems? – Arsen 2011 – Verhalten von Arsen in geologischen, hydrologischen und biologischen Systemen, Leipzig.
Rubinos, D.A.; Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2011): Influence of pH on the sorption/desorption and distribution of arsenic and uranium in sedimentary rocks of the Keuper aquifer (Franconia, Germany). – 12th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 12), Clermont-Ferrand/France.
Banning, A.; Cardona, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2011): Evolution of arsenic and uranium signatures in volcanic rocks, sediments and groundwater from San Luis Potosí, Mexico. – 22nd Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences (LAK 2011), Heidelberg.
Banning, A.; Rüde, T.R. (2008): Geogenic enrichment and behaviour of arsenic in iron oxides containing sedimentary rocks in Germany. – 2nd International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment – Arsenic from nature to humans (As2008), Valencia/Spain.
Banning, A.; Coldewey, W.G.; Göbel, P. (2007): Identifikation und Dynamik geogener Arsen-Quellen – Fallbeispiel Münsterland. – Arsen 2007 – Verhalten von Arsen in geologischen, hydrologischen und biologischen Systemen, Leipzig.
Banning, A.; Bölte, S.; Göbel, P. (2006): Arsen aus Oberkreide-Sedimenten des südwestlichen Münsterlandes – Vorkommen, Bindungsformen, Mobilität. – 20. Tagung der FH-DGG 2006, Cottbus.