Dr. rer. nat. Grit Büttner
Applied Geophysics
Working group Applied Geology | Hydrology at Institut of Geographie and Geology
Student advisor
Friedr.-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 17A
D-17487 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 4557
1973 born in König Wusterhausen (Brandenburg)
1992 Highschool (Berlin)
1992-1998 Studied Geophysics at the Technischen Universität Berlin
1998 Diplom Thesis: Abschätzung hydrologisch relevanter gesteinsphysikalischen Merkmale durch kombinierte Radar- und Geoelektrikerkundung
1999-2002 PhD student at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, DFG-Projekt: Long-Term Observation of Borehole Temperatures to Study Fluid Transport and Heat Flow in the Vicinity of an Active Mantle Plume (Island of Hawaii)
2002 PhD Thesis at the Technischen Universität Berlin/ GFZ-Potsdam: Untersuchung des thermo-hydraulischen Feldes und der Wärmeflussdichte in der Nähe eines aktiven Mantelplumes (Insel Hawaii) mit Hilfe von Bohrlochtemperaturmessungen
(Study of the thermo-hydraulic field and heat flux density near an active mantle plume (Hawaiian Islands) using borehole temperature measurements.)
August 2002 Scientist at the Institue of Geography and Geology at the University of Greifswald
- Teaching of Geophysics (general geophysics, applied geophysics, well logging)
- Research
- Student advisor
- System administration
Member of:
- Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG)
- European association for geoscientists and engineers (EAGE)