Prof. Dr. Paula Prenzel

Photo: Wally Pruss

Juniorprofessor for Regional Development

Room 218
Institute for Geography and Geology
Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 17a
17489 Greifswald
Phone: +49 3834 420 4599



Research Interests

  • Demographic Change
  • Migration
  • Effects of Diversity
  • Regional Disparities
  • Knowledge-based regional development

    Short CV

    since Nov 2021 Young Academy Fellow of the Academy of Science and Humanities in Hamburg
    since Nov 2020 PI of Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group on "The role of population structure in regional development"
    Since April 2020 Juniorprofessor for Regional Development, University of Greifswald
    2018-2020 Assistant Professor Economic Geography, Utrecht University, Netherlands
    2018 PhD Economic Geography, London School of Economics, London, UK
    2016 3-month visiting PhD student, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
    2013 3-month internship at OECD Regional Policy Division, Paris, Francesion, Paris, Frankreich
    2013 MSc Research in Regional Studies, Groningen University, Netherlands
    2011 BSc Economics and Business Economics, Maastricht University, Netherlands


    Publications (SSCI)
    • Prenzel, P. (2021). Are old regions less attractive? Interregional labour migration in a context of population ageing. Papers in Regional Science, 100, 1429–1447..
    • Prenzel, P., Ortega-Argilés, R., Cozza, C. & Piva, M. (2018). The interplay between regional and industrial aspects in the R&D-productivity link: evidence from Europe. Regional Studies, 52(5), 659- 672.

    Publications (others)
    • Ascani, A., Prenzel, P.V. & Smit, M.J. (2018). Brexit en de Britse huizenmarkt. Geografie, 8.

    • Prenzel, P. & Iammarino, S. (2018). Ageing labour: How does demographic change affect regional human capital? (Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography # 18.32). Utrecht University.

    • Iammarino, S. & Prenzel, P. (2018, March 8). Women in Regional Science - Really a Success Story? [Blog Post] Retrieved from:

    • Prenzel, P. (2017). Regional consequences of demographic change: regional development and disparities in a context of ageing and shrinking population in Germany. PhD Thesis. Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, London.


    Winter Semester
    • 5312003 Empirical Regional Research – Quantitative Methods [MSc Regional Development and Tourism]
    • 5312007 Literature Course Economic Geography  [MSc Regional Development and Tourism]
    • 5312027 Lecture Economic Geography [BSc Geography]


    Summer Semester
    • 5318012 Seminar: Processes of international and local knowledge transfer [MSc Regional Development and Tourism]
    • 5312024 Research Methods for Social Sciences [BSc Geography]
    • 5328002 Seminar: Human Geography [BSc Geography, Geography for Teachers]